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LEE Flash G1

From Floadia Corporation


LEE Flash G1 is an efficient, cost-effective embedded flash solution designed for applications requiring medium memory capacity up to several hundred kilobytes. Utilizing a simple SONOS architecture, it supports advanced temperature and quality standards crucial for automotive applications. It is designed to scale down to 40nm geometry, which allows it to fit seamlessly into the BCD process, making it suitable for high-performance environments. Its key features include high reliability, low power consumption in program and erase operations, and a streamlined testing process that significantly reduces chip costs. The IP does not affect the SPICE model of logic transistors, enabling users to preserve existing IP assets and designs. Its track record includes mass production in 130nm and availability in other advanced nodes, with a focus on automotive standards.

  • High temperature operation
  • Low power consumption
  • Short testing time
  • High reliability
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive applications
  • Consumer electronics
  • Industry electronics
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