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All IPs > Wireless Communication > 3GPP-5G > LDPC Decoder for 5G NR

LDPC Decoder for 5G NR

From Mobiveil, Inc.


The 5G NR LDPC Decoder IP by Mobiveil provides an adept solution for decoding in the realm of 5G communications. Utilizing the Min-Sum algorithm, it enhances decoding efficiency while allowing programmable internal bit widths. Featuring an early iteration termination capability through a concurrent parity check engine, it optimizes performance further by permitting early exit from iterations. Additionally, the core supports retaining computed LLRs from failed transmissions using HARQ, making it an indispensable tool in advanced 5G applications.

  • Min-Sum LDPC Decoding Algorithm
  • Early Iteration Termination
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > 3GPP-5G
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G Wireless Communications
  • Network Solutions
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