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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > LC-PLLs


From Silicon Creations


LC-PLLs by Silicon Creations are engineered for ultra-low jitter and high precision across demanding applications such as analog front-end converters and RF clocking. They introduce advanced fractional-N architecture, highlighted by a small footprint and low power operation. Proven in cutting-edge process nodes like 7nm FinFET, these LC-PLLs deliver jitter metrics that meet stringent industry standards. With customizable loop bandwidths and fine-tuned jitter attenuation mechanisms, they excel in scenarios requiring high-speed, low-noise clock references, such as PCI Express applications.

  • Ultra-low jitter
  • Broadband jitter below 200fs RMS
  • Programmable bandwidths
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Process Node 7nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Analog Front Ends
  • RF clocking
  • High-speed data converters
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