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Layout Automation

From Thalia Design Automation


AMALIA's Layout Automation (LA) module offers a powerful, verification-driven tool for streamlining design layouts to maintain consistency and compliance post-migration. LA focuses on integrating verified design data into layouts, preserving the integrity established during the design phase.

This application automates routine layout tasks, reducing manual interventions and increasing accuracy in placement and design adherence. By leveraging verified data for floorplan management, LA upholds the structural consistency of the design while ensuring it meets critical design rules and industry standards through automated DRC checks.

The intuitive interface caters to designers' needs by aligning with standard EDA tools, allowing for a cohesive design experience from inception to manufacturing readiness. Through efficient and reliable automation, LA empowers semiconductor companies to deliver optimized layouts swiftly, facilitating timely project completion and market entry.

  • Intuitive design interface
  • Automated compliance assurance
  • Precise device and layer mapping
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Other
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Analog circuit layout
  • Mixed-signal design compliance
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