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L-Series Controller



The L-Series Controller from MEMTECH brings low power DDR solutions to the next level, focusing on energy efficiency without sacrificing performance. This suite of controllers supports LPDDR4/4x/5 configurations, maintaining compliance with JEDEC standards. Designed with high performance in mind, the L-Series controllers manage several AXI ports and guarantee quality of service for high-speed memory tasks.

Engineered for integration ease, the L-Series integrates seamlessly with MEMTECH's PHY IPs, as well as third-party components. By leveraging DFI 5.0 compliant interfaces, these controllers provide flexibility in designing system-on-chip (SoC) architectures. Key features include dual scheduler capabilities, error checking via ECC, and comprehensive support for multi-channel setups, ensuring a robust foundation for cutting-edge tech ventures.

Ideal for power-sensitive devices like laptops, portable PCs, and various handheld devices, the L-Series Controller ensures that modern electronics can achieve more with less power. By allowing for extensive calibration options both hardware- and software-based, it ensures optimal performance is consistently met across diverse application landscapes, making it an invaluable asset for developers dedicated to efficient design outcomes.

  • JEDEC compliance
  • End-to-end QoS priority
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Laptops
  • Mobile devices
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