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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG > JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder

JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder

From Techno Mathematical Co., Ltd.


This JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder features low latency and visually lossless compression making it ideal for real-time applications. It efficiently handles still images and video compression, supporting a wide spectrum of multimedia needs. This makes it a versatile IP for seamless integration into systems requiring rapid image and video processing.

Engineered to support a range of platforms, it caters to high-demand applications such as broadcasting, security systems, and any environment where image fidelity and speed are paramount. The JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder optimizes file sizes without compromising quality, ensuring smooth and efficient data handling.

The integration of this IP into devices guarantees reduced bandwidth consumption, thereby enhancing transmission speeds and cutting costs. Its adaptability and performance make it a valuable asset in modern digital communication setups.

  • low latency
  • visually lossless
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • still image
  • video
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