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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG > JPEG Codec/CODA/BODA


From Chips&Media


The JPEG Codec from Chips&Media, under the CODA/BODA series, is a multi-standard codec IP designed for processing both JPEG images and various legacy video formats. Capable of handling large image resolutions efficiently, it supports a wide range of color formats necessary for high-quality imaging applications. This codec is primarily aimed at industries such as mobile imaging, medical diagnostics, and automotive systems, where precise image coding is paramount. CODA/BODA delivers fast processing speeds essential for real-time applications, such as video conferencing and multimedia streaming. It offers various customization options, allowing integration into specific use cases where either compression or high fidelity is crucial. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for both new and existing systems that demand reliable image and video data processing.

  • Supports image sizes up to 32K x 32K
  • On-the-fly rotate/mirror
  • Various color formats
  • 12-bit samples
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile
  • Medical imaging
  • Automotive
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