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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG 2000 > JPEG 2000 Compression IP

JPEG 2000 Compression IP

From Alma Technologies


Alma Technologies' JPEG 2000 IP solutions provide advanced image encoding capabilities, leveraging both lossless and lossy compression modes suitable for diverse environments, including satellite imaging and medical diagnostics, where high precision is mandatory. These cores implement rich feature sets like multi-component structures, high sampling depth, and effective data management across transmission channels. The JPEG 2000 implementations foster high image integrity and adaptable bandwidth management, crucial for systems needing balanced performance and data throughput. Their encoder structure includes detailed error correction and flexible configuration parameters ensuring adaptability and support for extensive data rates and bit depths across a wide spectrum of imaging applications.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG 2000
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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