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All IPs > Wireless Communication > JESD 204A / JESD 204B > JESD204C IP


From Comcores


The JESD204C IP from Comcores is a high-performance digital IP core tailored for systems demanding reliable data communication standards. Serving as a cornerstone for projects like BAE Systems’ STEAM PIPE, this IP facilitates robust data transmission essential for mission-critical applications, enhancing both speed and reliability. The technology empowers businesses to efficiently handle high-speed data transfer, making it ideal for aerospace and defense sectors.

This IP core ensures compliance with the JESD204C standard, offering advanced capabilities that simplify the integration of complex data pathways within sophisticated electronic systems. Its design emphasizes adaptability and high throughput, allowing seamless data exchange in varying operational conditions. With a focus on precision and integrity, the JESD204C IP aids in optimizing system performance across initiatives that rely on secure and accurate data pipelines.

Its flexible architecture grants users the ability to customize interfaces, meeting the specific needs of different deployment scenarios. By facilitating streamlined connections between devices and systems, the IP core supports the growing demands for high-bandwidth data processing solutions in high-tech industries.

Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > JESD 204A / JESD 204B
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Aerospace
  • Defense
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