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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > RF Modules > ISM Band RF IP


From Orca Systems Inc.


Orca Systems' ISM Band RF IP encompasses a versatile collection of RF transceiver components tailored for the ISM band, available on the GF 22FDX process node with adaptability to other processes. This IP is licensable for development into merchant market integrated circuits, particularly enhancing designs intended for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) applications.

The comprehensive transceiver IP includes key features like a digital power amplifier that can achieve up to +23 dBm output power. Additionally, integrated elements such as a balun and matching network support its seamless integration into client designs, promoting efficiency and performance. This solution is aimed at clients looking to strengthen their ICs with robust RF capabilities and reduced design complexity.

Suitable for a wide range of ISM applications, this IP draws on Orca Systems' extensive RF expertise to facilitate effective wireless communication solutions. By incorporating this RF IP into their products, developers gain access to advanced connectivity options, underpinning the creation of high-quality, low-power communication devices that meet stringent industry standards.

  • Integrated digital power amplifier
  • +23 dBm output power
  • 23dBm output power
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > RF Modules
Process Node 22nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • BLE IC development
  • ISM band wireless communications
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