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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller > IPM-UNFC


From IP Maker


The Universal NAND Flash Controller (UNFC) IP core from IP Maker is engineered for enterprise storage applications demanding high reliability and bandwidth. It's designed to enable effective use of commodity Flash memory, significantly enhancing IOPS with lower-cost SLC, MLC, and TLC NandFlash memory. The UNFC IP core is available for all major FPGA vendors and ASIC providers, supporting the newest ONFI standards while maintaining backward compatibility.

This IP core is full-featured, integrating easily into FPGA and SoC designs with various native backends like AXI, Avalon, and RAM, offering customizable connection modules. Its comprehensive configuration options include the flexibility to choose page sizes and spare sizes per channel, supporting a dynamically set channel-based address. The controller is fully compliant with ONFI 5.0 standards, covering SDR and NVDDR modes up to the latest NV-LPDDR4.

Moreover, the IP Maker UNFC is designed to support high-performance, cost-effective storage, reducing time-to-market with validated and easy-to-integrate IP. Deliverables for this IP include Verilog RTL source code, synthesis scripts, simulation testbenches, and comprehensive technical documentation, ensuring a smooth design process for developers. It also features configurable block sizes and up to 84-error correction capabilities per 1k block, ensuring robust data reliability in storage solutions.

  • ONFI 5.0 Compliant
  • SLC / MLC / TLC / QLC
  • SDR modes 0 to 5
  • NVDDR modes 0 to 5
  • NVDDR-2 modes 0 to 8
  • NVDDR-3 modes 0 to 10
  • NV-LPDDR4 modes 0 to 15
  • AXI or Avalon interface
  • Up to ECC 84-errors / 1k block
  • Configurable Data block size
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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