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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > NVM Express > IPM-NVMe2NVMe


From IP Maker


The IPM-NVMe2NVMe by IP Maker offers a dynamic reference design for NVMe to NVMe data transfers, making it ideal for high-performance storage solutions that require custom features like encryption or RAID. This architecture is built around NVMe Offload IPs and can be configured to manage multiple host interfaces, allowing seamless integration of processing accelerator IPs for advanced storage management tasks such as encryption and data deduplication.

It delivers ultra-low latency and high throughput, thanks to its low power, low gate count architecture. Being NVM Express compliant, the IP core can manage one to multiple host interfaces with easy integration, reducing time-to-market concerns. Its flexible architecture supports diverse configurations, from simple capacity aggregation to complex multi-namespace setups, ensuring customizable performance and redundancy configurations.

The IPM-NVMe2NVMe core provides endless combinations to address various customer needs, from transparent RAID 1 storage solutions to multi-namespace configurations with different attributes. It is a pioneering path toward computational storage, facilitating sophisticated operations within storage appliances and beyond, supporting Gen3 x16 or Gen4 x8 interfaces.

  • Ultra low latency
  • Very high throughput
  • Low power architecture
  • NVM Express Compliant
  • Easy integration
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > NVM Express
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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