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IPM-NVMe Device

From IP Maker


IP Maker's NVMe Device IP Core is designed to enhance PCIe-based storage solutions by offloading data flow management from the host CPU. This high-performance NVMe IP core serves as a bridge between the communication interface and NAND flash controllers, significantly boosting system throughput and reducing latency. It is compliant with the NVM Express specifications and is listed in the NVMe integrator's registry, ensuring broad compatibility across platforms.

The NVMe Device IP Core is optimized for ultra-low latency and very high throughput, making it ideal for applications demanding efficient power usage and high-speed data transfers. It supports PCIe Gen1 to Gen5, providing flexibility for various implementations. The architecture also boasts a low power design with a minimal gate count, contributing to a reduction in system cost through interface standardization.

Furthermore, the NVMe Device IP core includes features like automatic command processing, multi-channel DMA, and supports up to 65536 I/O queues, catering to sophisticated storage operations. Its robust architecture caters to both ASIC and FPGA implementations, providing comprehensive support for consumer and enterprise products alike. This core can integrate seamlessly with other IP Maker products, forming a complete storage solution for demanding environments.

  • NVM Express Compliant
  • Available for PCIe Gen1/2/3/4/5
  • Ultra low latency
  • Very high throughput
  • Low power architecture
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > NVM Express
Availability All Countries & Regions
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