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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller > IPM-BCH


From IP Maker


The BCH Encoder/Decoder IP Core by IP Maker enhances NAND Flash memory reliability by employing advanced error correction through the BCH algorithm. This IP is crucial for NAND Flash-based storage devices, ensuring data integrity by detecting and correcting errors that occur during write cycles. Its design is highly customizable, allowing adjustments for optimal trade-offs between gate count and latency according to specific application needs.

IP Maker's BCH IP Core is engineered for ease-of-use in both FPGA and SoC environments. It offers full hardware implementation to ensure maximum performance and a balanced trade-off between performance and gate count. Customizable features include latency adjustments, datapath configurations, and error number handling, along with full Galois field coverage. The IP Core supports configurations to match various packet sizes and is capable of handling up to 76 error-bits per block.

This IP Core's flexibility is intended to optimize time-to-market while providing robust error correction capabilities. Deliverables include Verilog RTL source code, synthesis scripts, and detailed technical documentation, facilitating straightforward implementation in a variety of systems. The BCH Encoder/Decoder is fully validated to ensure reliable performance across different hardware setups, offering a solid foundation for building data storage solutions that require high data validity and extended memory lifespan.

  • ECC for NandFlash Storage
  • Configurable block size
  • Fully configurable
  • Balanced performance/gate count
  • All Galois fields covered
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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