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Integrated Diagnostics & Aftersales Transformation (iDART)

From KPIT Technologies


The iDART platform by KPIT revolutionizes vehicle diagnostics and aftersales transformation by providing tools and services aimed at enhancing vehicle life-cycle management. The cloud-based system is designed to tackle the complexities of software-defined vehicle (SDV) diagnostics through improved connectivity and digitized services.
iDART addresses the entire spectrum of diagnostics and aftersales services, from the development of electronic and electrical functions to maintaining the service lifecycle with competitive diagnostics solutions. It is crafted to manage the transition towards SDVs, emphasizing real-time diagnostics and predictive maintenance capabilities.
The platform integrates a diverse range of tools for validating diagnostic functions, optimizing vehicle management, and providing solutions for advanced problem-solving and data management. Automakers benefit from substantial cost savings and improved efficiency in service delivery, supported by KPIT’s deep domain knowledge and strategic partnerships.
KPIT's comprehensive approach ensures that the iDART platform supports a variety of contemporary requirements, from cybersecurity compliance to advanced system-of-chip diagnostics, maintaining high standards of service and innovation in automotive diagnostics.

Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Standard cell
Availability All Countries & Regions
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