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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > Integer-N PLL-based HF Frequency Synthesizer and Clock Generator

Integer-N PLL-based HF Frequency Synthesizer and Clock Generator

From TES Electronic Solutions


The Integer-N PLL-based HF Frequency Synthesizer and Clock Generator is a high-frequency solution that generates square-wave frequencies within a selected range. Engineered with an integrated loop filter and VCO, this IP is capable of producing constant frequency outputs with exceptional precision. Ideal for high-speed communication systems, this synthesizer is silicon-proven in XFAB's XT018 technology and can be adapted to other technology nodes. It is perfect for demanding communication and data transfer applications requiring stable and accurate clock signals.

  • Integrated loop filter and VCO
  • Precision frequency output
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Foundry X-Fab
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed communication systems
  • Data transfer applications
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