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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > IEEE 1394 > iniHDLC


From Inicore Inc.


Inicore's iniHDLC core stands as a robust High-Level Data Link Controller module, ideal for handling data communication needs across a wide range of protocols such as Q.921, Q.922, and X.25. The HDLC core offers both Receiver and Transmitter functionalities, optimized to process interframe flags and execute frame check sequences with precision.

The architecture of iniHDLC centers on transparency, with built-in bit stuffing and destuffing, ensuring frame status signaling across all standard protocols. This core is synthesized for easy integration within diverse designs, supporting custom buffer interfaces such as FIFOs or DMA.

Engineered to meet a variety of communication standards, iniHDLC simplifies data transmission management through flexible IO interfacing, leveraging Verilog for a structured implementation. This independence ensures the core fits seamlessly into various technological stacks, maintaining performance consistency and operational reliability, crucial for mission-critical applications.

  • Single Channel Protocol
  • Bit Stuffing/ Destuffing
  • Frame Check Sequence
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > IEEE 1394
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial Networks
  • Telecommunications
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