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All IPs > Processor > DSP Core > iniDSP


From Inicore Inc.


The iniDSP, a 16-bit fixed-point general-purpose digital signal processor (DSP) core by Inicore, is engineered to enhance system-on-chip (SoC) applications through its reusable, technology-independent design. Optimized for high performance and low power consumption, the iniDSP serves as a versatile solution for a broad range of applications from audio processing to sensor signal conditioning.

At the heart of iniDSP's architecture is the capability to execute efficient algorithm programming, benefiting applications that demand high computational precision and low latency. Its 16x16 multiplier coupled with a 40-bit accumulator ensures robust mathematical operations suited for control sequences in intricate systems. The core's structured design adheres to synchronous operation principles, maximizing reliability and ease of integration across different platforms.

Inicore enhances this DSP core with comprehensive software support, including assembler, linker, and debugger tools, facilitating ease of use for developers. By offering an alternative to traditionally expensive off-chip DSP solutions, iniDSP not only reduces overall system costs but also streamlines the integration process in embedded systems, ensuring adaptability and prolonged product lifecycle in varied technological landscapes.

  • 16-bit Fixed-Point
  • 40 Bit Accumulator
  • Low Power Optimized
Tech Specs
Category Processor > DSP Core
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Audio Compression
  • Control Circuits
  • Signal Conditioning
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