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From Inicore Inc.


The iniCPU by Inicore is a formidable 8-bit microprocessor core that offers compatibility with Motorola's 6809 processor architecture. This core is engineered to integrate seamlessly into systems-on-chip, providing robust processing power for embedded applications where standard off-the-shelf solutions might not suffice for performance or customization needs.

Its advanced features include illegal opcode recognition and direct memory management capabilities through an address expansion circuit, facilitating operations that span across peripheral components efficiently. This adaptability is complemented by seamless interfacing to external interfaces such as SDRAM and IO devices, ensuring wide-ranging applicability.

The processor’s design upholds a fully synchronous architecture, eliminating timing inconsistencies and supporting high-speed operations up to 10 MIPS at 40MHz. Its C compiler, assembler, and debugger support streamline development and debugging processes, enhancing productivity and facilitating efficient system deployment. iniCPU's design independence makes it reusable across different technological platforms, promising longevity and versatility in diverse embedded system applications.

  • 6809 Compatible
  • Fully Synchronous
  • 10 MIPS Performance
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded Computing
  • Control Systems
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