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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > DLL > iniADPLL


From Inicore Inc.


The iniADPLL, Inicore's All Digital Phase Locked Loop, provides a fully digital solution ideal for clock management tasks such as generation, recovery, and supervision integral to telecommunication systems. Its design emphasizes adaptability without external components, allowing it to be tailored for specific application needs.

Featuring high jitter tolerance and infinite frequency hold times, iniADPLL leverages a programmable center frequency and adjustable filtering characteristics, such as cutoff frequency and loop gain, to maintain system robustness under variable conditions. This programmability simplifies integration into broader system architectures requiring precise timing control, pivotal for applications like digital data transmission.

Constructed as a fully synchronous and scalable solution, iniADPLL supports diverse phase detector configurations that accommodate application-specific requirements. Its VHDL synthesis model underpins technology independence, fostering ease of adaptation across different platforms, making it relevant in various fields seeking high-performance clock management solutions.

  • Maximum Jitter: Clk-Period/2
  • Infinite Frequency Hold Time
  • Programmable Characteristics
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > DLL
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Telecom Systems
  • Clock Management
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