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InferX AI

From Flex Logix


Flex Logix's InferX AI platform offers a highly efficient AI processing solution designed to seamlessly integrate into systems on chips (SoCs). It provides exceptional batch processing capabilities for vision AI, supporting low power and cost-effective operations due to its highly efficient architecture. Leveraging INT8, INT16, and BF16 precision, InferX delivers high accuracy needed for modern AI workloads.

One of the standout features of InferX is its reconfigurable architecture, which allows it to adapt and efficiently run new models, such as YOLO and even Transformers. This flexibility ensures that new operators can be implemented accurately, allowing multiple models to be run concurrently. Beyond just AI, InferX also streamlines integration into existing SoCs and software stacks, making it an attractive choice for developers looking to take advantage of state-of-the-art AI capabilities without significant restructuring.

InferX demonstrates proven reliability, having been incorporated into dozens of chips and production qualified. It provides the performance of high-end discrete AI processors within a smaller, more power-efficient footprint, making it ideal for applications needing rapid and flexible AI processing. Its capabilities enable comprehensive support for modern AI applications, ensuring they remain robust and adaptable.

  • High efficiency AI processing
  • Reconfigurable architecture
  • Supports multiple AI models
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Vision AI
  • AI processing integration
  • Modern AI applications
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