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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Interrupt Controller > IDS-Verify


From Agnisys


IDS-Verify is a comprehensive verification tool that ensures the accuracy and quality of designs in semiconductor projects. It enables developers to conduct thorough validations and testing, thereby guaranteeing high standards of design verification across SOC, ASIC, and FPGA developments. With a focus on precision, IDS-Verify employs advanced algorithms to generate exhaustive test cases, minimizing errors and enhancing the reliability of the design process.

One of the critical advantages of IDS-Verify is its ability to create detailed UVM testbenches that streamline the validation phase, reducing the time and resources required to achieve certification and compliance. The tool's comprehensive verification capabilities make it indispensable for teams looking to expedite their validation process without compromising quality.

Furthermore, IDS-Verify integrates seamlessly with Agnisys's broader ecosystem, allowing for cohesive operation with other tools in the suite. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the verification process, enabling teams to focus on critical engineering tasks without being bogged down by complex procedures. This efficiency helps ensure that designs meet all necessary specifications and industry standards, allowing products to reach the market faster and with fewer revisions.

  • Detailed Verification Process
  • UVM Testbenches
  • Advanced Algorithm for Testing
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Interrupt Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SOC Verification
  • ASIC Validation
  • FPGA Testing
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