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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Interrupt Controller > IDS-Validate


From Agnisys


IDS-Validate is a critical validation tool designed to optimize semiconductor projects by ensuring that all elements comply with predefined specifications. This tool automates the validation process, cross-referencing outputs with expected results to confirm that design parameters are met consistently. It provides an integral checkpoint in the development life cycle, safeguarding against errors that could propagate through to production.

The tool facilitates a robust validation framework by generating comprehensive reports that detail the status of each design element. This transparency enhances communication within teams, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed of current validation status. The automation capabilities of IDS-Validate allow for rapid adjustments and updates, accommodating changes in specifications seamlessly.

  • Automated Validation Process
  • Cross-Reference Checks
  • Comprehensive Reporting
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Interrupt Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SOC Validation
  • ASIC Confirmation
  • FPGA Compliance
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