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From Analog Bits


The I/O solutions from Analog Bits are engineered to provide exceptional performance and efficiency in differential clocking and signaling applications. Specializing in low-power and highly customizable IP, these I/O technologies are designed to cater to diverse die-to-die communication needs, ensuring minimal power usage and superior signaling integrity. Their I/O solutions are silicon-proven at 5nm, with imminent advancements at the 3nm technology node, making them well-suited for the rapid evolution of semiconductor processes.

These I/O IPs are crafted to deliver robust solutions for high-performance computing, mobile communications, and other advanced technological fields. The expertise of Analog Bits allows the architecting of the necessary I/O structures using fewer transistors while maximizing signal integrity, which is vital in reducing electromagnetic interference and enhancing device performance in complex system environments.

Analog Bits supports global clients with an extensive IP library and the capability to tailor solutions to meet client-specific needs, supported by exhaustive documentation and technical support. These I/O solutions are particularly beneficial in applications where high-speed and reliable data transmission is crucial, from consumer electronics to automotive systems, where precision and reliability cannot be compromised.

  • Differential clocking
  • Lowest power
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-performance computing
  • Mobile communications
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