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I-fuse S3

From Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd.


The I-fuse S3 represents an evolution of the I-fuse technology, boasting a remarkably small footprint especially advantageous for bit densities below 4Kbits. This enhanced architecture improves scalability, maintaining linear growth with increased bit count, and ensuring minimal power consumption with low programming voltages suitable for core or I/O specifications. Its auto-grade capability meets the rigorous standards required in automotive applications, making it a versatile choice across various technological platforms.

  • Super Small Size
  • Super Scalable
  • AE-Q100 Grade 0
  • Foundry Portable
  • DRC Compatible
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Low Power Applications
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