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HOTLink II IP Core

From New Wave Design


The HOTLink II IP Core offers a comprehensive layer 2 implementation for HSI, tailored to meet the demands of cutting-edge aerospace communication systems. The core is designed to facilitate full-rate, half-rate, and quarter-rate operations as per industry standards, ensuring robust and flexible high-speed data transfers. The integration of this core into systems supports F-18 compatibility, marking it as a critical component in systems that require real-time signal processing and synchronization.
Beyond its operational versatility, the HOTLink II IP Core excels in providing a streamlined integration process. It supports a straightforward frame interface, allowing for quick deployment into existing architectures. This capability is vital in enhancing the data management capabilities of communication networks, ensuring seamless transitions of high-volume data across the systems.
By leveraging the HOTLink II IP Core, developers in aerospace sectors can achieve heightened data throughput and efficient network utilization. This core represents a balance of high-performance and ease of integration, tailored to facilitate modern data exchange requirements in challenging environments.

  • Full-rate, ½ rate, ¼ rate operation
  • F-18 compatible
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Communication systems
  • Signal processing systems
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