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High Performance RISC-V Processor

From Cortus SAS


Cortus's high-performance RISC-V processor is an essential part of their portfolio, offering unparalleled oomph for applications needing significant computational power. As a world-class construction in processor design, this RISC-V 64-bit chip introduces innovative Out-of-Order (OoO) execution capabilities. Such performance ensures superior processing speeds necessary for edge computing devices as well as vast supercomputing systems that demand state-of-the-art low-latency multi-synchronous operations.

The processor is designed to cater to a multitude of sectors, including desktop computing, servers, AI for ADAS, and mobile devices. It is characterized by a multi-socket, cache coherent implementation, ensuring efficient data exchanges crucial for modern AI workloads and algorithm-heavy applications. With an in-built vector and AI accelerator, along with a bioinformatics accelerator co-processor, this processor aligns performance with cutting-edge innovation, ensuring readiness for advanced computing environments.

Utilizing the processor's robust capabilities, businesses can achieve enhanced computational power with minimal energy costs. Cortus's processor design continues to enable technological evolution across IT infrastructures, from high-performance desktops to intensive AI-driven automotive applications, ensuring that their clients can seamlessly adapt to the future of computing.

  • RISC-V 64-bit
  • Out-of-Order execution
  • Vector AI accelerator
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Desktop computing
  • Servers
  • AI for ADAS
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