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High Channel Count DMA IP Core

From Smartlogic GmbH


The High Channel Count DMA IP Core for PCI Express is engineered for high-throughput applications involving numerous data sources. It efficiently manages up to 64 data streams, storing them in separate host memory regions via DMA operations. With support for up to 8 AXI4 Master interfaces for user logic and capability to read data over DMA with 16 AXI Stream Masters, it facilitates the creation of sophisticated PCIe endpoints without requiring advanced PCI Express knowledge. Users transmit or receive only payload data, with the core automatically handling PCI Express packet generation. This capability, combined with compatibility for data streaming, Ethernet, and coprocessor applications, ensures swift development and integration into complex systems.

  • Up to 64 data streams
  • 8 AXI4 Master interfaces
  • No PCIe packet knowledge needed
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-throughput data applications
  • Ethernet applications
  • Coprocessor setups
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