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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > HDMI > HDMI Rx


From Silicon Library Inc.


The HDMI Rx IP core is tailored for devices that receive high-definition multimedia content, ensuring exceptional quality in audio-visual inputs up to HDMI 2.0 specifications. This IP is particularly advantageous for receivers like televisions, display monitors, and other media consumption devices that demand high fidelity output with minimal lag.\n\nDesigned to integrate seamlessly into electronic systems, it boasts low interference and high signal fidelity, which are crucial for effective signal reception in diverse multimedia setups. The HDMI Rx core efficiently handles various video formats and resolutions, ensuring compatibility with a wide array of devices and supporting comprehensive interoperability among multiple platforms.\n\nThis core’s robust architecture not only supports high-quality video and audio decoding but also prioritizes efficient power usage, ensuring optimal performance without excessive energy consumption. As media devices continue to push for more interactive and immersive user experiences, the HDMI Rx core provides the technological backbone needed for advanced multimedia applications.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > HDMI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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