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HDMI 2.1b IP Core

From Bitec


The HDMI 2.1b IP Core is a sophisticated piece of technology designed to facilitate the integration of HDMI connectivity in modern digital devices. This core boasts support for the newest HDMI standards, enabling ultra-high-speed video and audio transmission. It ensures compatibility across a wide array of display devices, making it a versatile component for manufacturers aiming to deliver cutting-edge multimedia experiences.

With advanced signal processing capabilities, this IP core allows for the transmission of video resolutions up to 8K, providing users with unparalleled clarity and detail. It has been engineered to minimize latency and optimize throughput, making it ideal for applications demanding high bandwidth and quick response times. The HDMI 2.1b IP Core is essential for any product aiming to stay current with the latest in digital interfacing technology.

This core supports a variety of audio formats, ensuring an immersive audio experience that complements its high-definition video capabilities. Its robust architecture is designed to handle the most demanding multimedia applications, providing a reliable and efficient performance while maintaining low power consumption and a compact footprint.

  • Ultra-high-speed transmission
  • 8K video resolution support
  • Low latency
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Multimedia devices
  • Advanced gaming consoles
  • High-definition displays
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