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HDMI 2.0b IP Core

From Bitec


The HDMI 2.0b IP Core enables seamless HDMI connectivity without compromising on quality and performance. It facilitates the transmission of video and audio signals at high speeds, supporting UHD resolutions and a wide range of color formats, essential for modern digital electronics.

Capable of handling large volumes of data, this IP core is ideal for devices requiring extensive bandwidth and rapid data transfer rates, such as digital signage and high-performance multimedia players. Its architecture supports advanced features like dynamic range and detailed color corrections, enhancing the overall user experience by delivering vivid visuals and crisp audio outputs.

The HDMI 2.0b IP Core is designed with compliance and compatibility in mind, ensuring that devices meet or exceed industry standards. It represents a comprehensive solution for manufacturers aiming to incorporate the latest HDMI technologies in their products, providing them with a reliable, cost-effective way to enhance device capabilities.

  • UHD resolution support
  • Dynamic range capability
  • Compliance with HDMI standards
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Digital signage
  • Multimedia players
  • Advanced display systems
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