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All IPs > Security IP > Embedded Security Modules > HDCP 1.x/2.x IP Core

HDCP 1.x/2.x IP Core

From Bitec


The HDCP 1.x/2.x IP Core is designed to ensure secure transmission of digital video content across various platforms. It implements the HDCP protocols to prevent unauthorized copying and transmission of copyrighted digital video content, making it integral for manufacturers focused on content protection.

This core supports both HDMI and DisplayPort interfaces, allowing it to be utilized in a variety of consumer electronics, including set-top boxes, Blu-ray players, and smart televisions. It offers robust encryption and decryption capabilities, ensuring that only authorized devices can play high-definition content. The HDCP IP Core is adaptable, supporting multiple iterations of the HDCP standard, ensuring future compatibility and security enhancements.

In addition to its security features, this core is optimized for high performance, with low latency and minimal resource usage. By leveraging this IP core, developers can ensure compliance with digital rights management requirements while providing high-quality video and audio streaming services.

  • Content protection
  • Encryption/decryption support for HDMI/DisplayPort
  • Future-proof security
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smart TVs
  • Blu-ray players
  • Set-top boxes
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