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HBM3 PHY & Memory Controller

From SkyeChip


The HBM3 PHY & Memory Controller is a cutting-edge memory interface solution tailored for artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, data centers, and networking applications. It conforms to HBM3 JEDEC standards and offers a bandwidth and area-optimized low-power solution. With an average random efficiency exceeding 85%, this product supports data rates up to 6400 MT/s. It includes a DFI 5.0 compatible interface to the memory controller and features a flexible PHY with programmable intelligent interface training sequences. The controller supports major 2.5D/3D packaging technologies, offering options for interconnect and memory repairs, and includes additional features for MPFE, RAS, and debugging upon request.

  • Bandwidth optimized
  • Low power
  • Programmable intelligent interface
  • Supports 6400 MT/s
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > HBM
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI
  • High-performance computing
  • Data centers
  • Networking
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