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Hamming Code ECC

From Secantec, Inc.


The Hamming Code ECC is an asynchronous error correction system capable of correcting a single bit error and detecting two-bit errors in communications. This IP is highly effective for protecting data in static memories like SRAMs and ROMs, making it ideal for use in ASIC and FPGA deployments. With a design that does not require clocks or iterative feedback within the pipeline, the IP reflects a focus on minimizing system complexity while delivering effective error correction.

A key feature of this ECC IP is its configurability, allowing adjustments to the number of message bits requiring error correction protection. Once configured, the system relies on asynchronous design principles with no dependence on RAMs, ROMs, or flip-flops within its RTL structure. The encoder fortifies message bits with ECC bits while decoder operations efficiently manage correction processes, signaling uncorrectable errors where applicable.

This IP is particularly suited for environments demanding high reliability such as memory modules in embedded systems, where it plays a critical role in maintaining data integrity. The Hamming Code ECC ensures system operators have robust mechanisms for catching and addressing errors effectively, optimizing memory performance across various applications in the field of digital electronics.

  • 1 bit error correction
  • 2 bit error detection
  • Asynchronous design
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • ASIC/FPGA memory protection
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