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H-Series PHY



The H-Series PHY is MEMTECH’s answer to the high-bandwidth requirements prevalent in modern graphics and compute-intensive environments. Designed for HBM applications, this PHY provides an optimal blend of performance and efficiency, allowing for rapid data processing and minimal latency. Built on a robust architecture, it supports the cutting-edge demands of high-performance graphics and network applications, ensuring maximum throughput in minimal space without compromising computational performance.

Leveraging the latest advancements in HBM2 and HBM2E technologies, the H-Series PHY is tailored to manage the increasing data rates in AI and ML workloads, providing an integral solution for developers targeting advanced computation fields. It offers extensive support for graphical and compute tasks, ensuring consistent high-speed data transfer, which is critical for maintaining performance standards in competitive fields such as gaming and video processing.

Complemented by a rich ecosystem of design acceleration kits, the H-Series PHY enables developers to optimize their designs effectively, minimizing development times and maximizing project outputs. This ecosystem includes design optimization tools, configuration sets, and partner libraries, ensuring comprehensive support and guidance for implementing HBM solutions successfully in end products, making it a sought-after solution in high-demand applications.

  • Low latency
  • High density
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Graphics processing
  • High-performance computing
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