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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > H.265/HEVC 422 10bit Encoder/Decoder for 4K

H.265/HEVC 422 10bit Encoder/Decoder for 4K

From Techno Mathematical Co., Ltd.


This IP delivers efficient video processing for 4K content, utilizing H.265/HEVC technology to significantly compress video data while retaining excellent picture quality. It is ideally suited for applications that require robust video encoding and decoding solutions like streaming and high-end video production.

By maintaining high compression levels, this encoder/decoder manages large data streams, essential for applications where storage space and bandwidth are limiting factors. Its integration into multimedia devices ensures enhanced viewing experiences with reduced buffering and lag.

Offering versatility and performance, this IP supports seamless high-definition video content distribution, catering to both consumer electronics and professional broadcasting industries keen on offering superior image and video quality.

  • 4K
  • FPGA
  • H.265/HEVC
  • high compression
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • movie
  • video encoder/decoder
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