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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > GPU > GSV3100


From TAKUMI Corporation


GSV3100 stands as a shader architecture type 3D GPU IP that amalgamates OpenGL ES 2.0 and 1.1 along with OpenVG 1.1 hardware processing pipelines. This comprehensive support extends the applicability of GSV3100 in sophisticated graphics rendering tasks requiring shader processing capabilities. Structured to meet diverse graphics demands, the GSV3100 supports an array of modern applications where high-definition, real-time processing is crucial. Known for its flexibility and performance, this GPU IP is perfect for graphics-intensive products that require resilient and adaptive graphical solutions.

  • Shader architecture
  • Comprehensive graphics standard support
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > GPU
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-definition graphics rendering
  • Real-time processing
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