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All IPs > Processor > AI Processor > Grayskull


From Tenstorrent


Grayskull is a state-of-the-art AI Graph Processor designed for optimized artificial intelligence computation. It comes in two variations catering to different performance needs: the e75 and the e150. The e75 is a compact, low-profile PCIe Gen 4 board, equipped with a single Grayskull processor. This entry-level board is ideal for applications requiring moderate power, operating at 75 watts, making it suitable for personal use or scaling small AI projects. The card is half-length, allowing for easy integration into smaller systems.

On the other hand, the e150 variant is engineered for higher demands. It is a standard height board, extending to three-quarters in length, ensuring it can manage more significant workloads. This version also includes a Grayskull processors, pushing the boundaries of power efficiency by operating at up to 200 watts. This increased power cap allows for greater throughput, making it more suitable for intensive AI computations in either professional or research settings.

Grayskull processors are fundamentally designed to maximize the use of SRAM for its self-attention layers, optimizing speed and reducing latency compared to traditional DRAM implementations. This technique ensures rapid data processing, necessary for sophisticated AI models, supporting diverse AI applications and research projects.

  • SRAM optimization
  • AI Computation
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI Model Training
  • Research
  • Data Processing
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