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From Inicore Inc.


Inicore's GPIOmodule offers unparalleled flexibility for general purpose input/output operations, catering to diverse control and interfacing needs in modern embedded systems. Each of its ports can be customized for input, output, or bypass modes, thereby broadening its applicability in various application scenarios.

Every port within GPIOmodule can serve as an interrupt source, with user-defined configuration for triggers such as level sensitivity or edge detection, enhancing control granularity and responsiveness. Each port's interrupt capabilities include settings for active high or low to edge transition, catering to complex interaction requirements between system components.

Integration is made seamless with a standard AMBA APB host interface, and an optional AXI Lite interface available on request. This facilitates straightforward system embedding while ensuring that GPIOmodule remains adaptable to a range of development needs and platform specifications. Its synchronous, technology-independent design guarantees robustness and ease of integration across FPGA and ASIC platforms, optimizing system resources and performance.

  • Configurable Port Modes
  • Interrupt Triggers
  • Data Synchronization
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded System Integration
  • Control Interfaces
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