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Geon Secure Execution Processor

From Beyond Semiconductor


The Geon Secure Execution Processor from Beyond Semiconductor is at the forefront of security IP designed to protect complex systems. This processor integrates advanced security features, providing a trusted execution environment crucial for safeguarding sensitive operations. It handles critical path calculations, ensuring secure processing by employing state-of-the-art cryptographic methods.

The processor's architecture is tailored for high performance alongside robust security, enabling it to offer encryption, decryption, and secure boot functionality seamlessly. Designed for system-on-chip (SoC) integration, it fits into a diverse range of applications, from consumer electronics to sensitive industrial systems. The flexibility of this processor allows it to adapt to various use-cases, delivering optimal performance and reliability.

Aside from its inherent security capabilities, the Geon Secure Execution Processor supports secure firmware updates, ensuring that the deployed systems remain immune to emerging threats. It maintains a balance between performance efficiency and security, making it a critical component for any mission-critical device demanding high-security standards.

  • Trusted execution environment
  • High-performance architecture
  • Secure boot
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Security Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Consumer electronics
  • Industrial systems
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