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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > Galois Error Correcting Code

Galois Error Correcting Code

From Secantec, Inc.


Galois Error Correcting Code leverages Galois Field operations to provide efficient error correction capabilities. This code is integral in maintaining data accuracy across communication channels, particularly where errors are more likely due to noise. By employing Galois Field mathematics, the IP performs complex data redundancy operations to both identify and amend erroneous values within transmitted or stored data.

The code is designed to support operations that are inherently asynchronous, with no need for clock cycles, making it suitable for high-speed applications where latency can be a critical bottleneck. The design eliminates the use of traditional feedback loops, further optimizing data throughput by ensuring that operations proceed seamlessly without interruptions. These properties make it an ideal choice for use in systems susceptible to data corruption, especially those requiring rapid recovery and minimal resource consumption.

In practical applications, the Galois Error Correcting Code excels in sectors like telecommunications and data-heavy environments where maintaining data integrity can be challenging due to the constant threats posed by electromagnetic interference and other noise sources. Its ability to manage and correct multiple bit errors ensures robust protection for data transmission across various multi-range communication links.

Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Long and short-range communication
  • Data storage protection
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