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G-Series Controller



The G-Series Controller from MEMTECH is a high-performance GDDR solution that enables efficiency and speed in highly demanding computational environments. This controller supports GDDR6, known for its high throughput and energy-efficient operation, making it indispensable for advanced applications like automotive assistive systems, AI computations, and gaming.

Developed to handle data rates up to 18 Gbps, the G-Series Controller seamlessly manages dual x16 GDDR6 channels, ensuring optimal data flow and system performance. Coupled with a dual scheduler and an enhanced sequencer, this controller addresses the necessities of intense GPU tasks and high-end graphics processing, producing premium output with reduced lag.

Incorporating GDDR6’s technical potentials, the controller functions across extensive low-power states, thereby maximizing efficiency in power-sensitive installations. Its design supports advanced error correction capabilities and leverages standard DFI 5.0 compatible interfaces, augmented with GDDR6 extensions for seamless adoption into complex design ecosystems, making it perfect for engineers aiming for robust, efficient memory solutions.

  • Dual channel support
  • EDC error detection
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Gaming
  • AI processing
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