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Free Running Oscillators

From Silicon Creations


These oscillators by Silicon Creations are designed for critical applications like watchdog timers and core clock generators in microcontrollers. Characterized by their compact design and self-contained operation, these oscillators operate efficiently over a broad range of nodes, from 3nm to 65nm. They boast low power consumption below 30uW, coupled with precision in frequency stability post-trimming, offering reliable performance over extensive temperature and voltage ranges. Their ease of integration without the need for external components makes them highly desirable for low-power chip designs.

  • Compact design
  • Low power consumption
  • High frequency precision
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Oscillator
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Watchdog Timers
  • Core Clock Generators
  • Low-Power Chips
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