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All IPs > Processor > CPU > FPGA-Modul Artix 7A100T-2C with LWL-Transceiver

FPGA-Modul Artix 7A100T-2C with LWL-Transceiver

From Trenz Electronic GmbH


This version of the Artix 7A100T-2C FPGA module includes a powerful LWL-Transceiver, enhancing its communication capabilities. It retains the AMD Artix 7 XC7A100T-2CSG324C processor complemented by 32MB Flash for efficient data handling. Supporting a dual 50-pin header setup with 87 I/Os, this module is crafted for high-speed, reliable data transmission. Its design, focused on space efficiency, measures 3.5cm x 7.3cm, perfectly catering to applications requiring compact hardware solutions.

Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry HHGrace
Availability All Countries & Regions
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