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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > FortiCrypt


From FortifyIQ


FortiCrypt offers state-of-the-art AES protection, securing devices against side-channel and fault injection attacks, including SIFA. Its robust design delivers unparalleled security without sacrificing performance, latency, or increasing gate counts. The core mechanism employs advanced masking methods that utilize finite field arithmetic, ensuring attack resistance without additional latency. The product's compliance with rigorous testing, both analytically and on physical devices, makes it a reliable choice for high-security needs. With options ranging from ultra-high performance to ultra-low power consumption, FortiCrypt caters to diverse requirements, including encryption for low-end CPUs.

  • Ultra-high performance
  • Ultra-low power
  • Ultra-compact
  • Balanced solution
  • SW library
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Encryption
  • Security
  • High-speed data transfer
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