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Flash Protection Series

From PUFsecurity


The Flash Protection Series expands PUFsecurity's Hardware Root of Trust and Crypto Coprocessor to secure additional SoC components. This series provides enhanced protection for various flash solutions, including embedded and external memory types, using PUF-based chip fingerprinting to ensure security. The series extends security across the SoC, safeguarding firmware and proprietary software assets against unauthorized access. Designed to simplify integration within major foundry processes, the Flash Protection Series offers reliable security solutions to protect crucial assets within commodity flash, enhancing overall SoC security.

  • Hardware Root of Trust
  • Embedded Flash Protection
  • External Flash Protection
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Asset Protection
  • Firmware Security
  • SoC Security
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