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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO > FC Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) IP Core

FC Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) IP Core

From New Wave Design


The FC Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) IP Core delivers a hardware-based network stack implementation for FC-AE-RDMA or FC-AV protocols, designed to enable efficient data transfers and message handling in advanced communication systems. Equipped with features like buffer mapping, DMA controllers, and message chain engines, this core enhances the functionality of high-speed networking in demanding aerospace applications.
Efficient handling of data-rich applications is a key attribute of this IP core, as it supports seamless integration in systems requiring superior data management. Designed with F-18 and F-15 compatibility, the FC ULP Core promotes robust communication channels, ensuring precision and accuracy necessary for mission-critical operations.
By deploying the FC ULP Core, users can harness advanced networking, gaining the capacity to manage elevated data loads and complex message sequences. This core stands as a pivotal addition to any aerospace or defense communication setup, facilitating rapid, reliable data exchanges across interconnected systems.

  • Full-network stack implementation
  • F-18/F-15 compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed networking
  • Communication systems
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