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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO > FC Link Layer (LL) IP Core

FC Link Layer (LL) IP Core

From New Wave Design


The FC Link Layer (LL) IP Core provides a comprehensive IP solution tasked with managing FC-1 and FC-2 layers, integral to the seamless operation of high-performance aerospace networking infrastructure. Its provisions allow for robust and efficient data link operations that are critical in time-sensitive and secure communication systems.
This IP core is engineered to support diverse data management needs, serving as a pivotal element in enhancing network architecture's reliability and speed. With dedicated hardware capability, users can achieve significant throughput improvements necessary for complex communication networks.
Deploying the FC LL Core ensures that all high-speed networking requirements are met, fostering consistent, accurate data exchanges across military and aviation systems. Its ability to process complex protocol stacks makes it highly suitable for demanding environments, crucial in maintaining connectivity and system integrity.

  • FC-1 and FC-2 layer support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed communication networks
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