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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO > FC Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (ASM) IP Core

FC Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (ASM) IP Core

From New Wave Design


Providing a comprehensive implementation for FC-AE-ASM, the FC Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (ASM) IP Core integrates seamlessly into communication systems, supporting advanced avionics and defense operations. With functionality that includes hardware-based label lookup and DMA controllers, this core ensures efficient data handling and message routing.
Built for the rigors of aerospace requirements, the ASM IP Core offers a robust framework for synchronized and reliable data exchanges between multiple nodes. Its F-35 compatible interface facilitates integration into high-performance platforms, promoting operational clarity and system-wide communication.
The ASM Core optimizes data management and reduces latency, significantly improving the speed and reliability of communications across challenging environments. As integral components in critical systems, these capabilities guarantee sustained performance and enhanced data management throughout operational lifecycles.

  • Full-network stack implementation
  • F-35 compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > RapidIO
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Avionics systems
  • Data routing systems
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