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F9 CF PATA Flash Controller

From Hyperstone GmbH


The F9 controller by Hyperstone is dedicated to fulfilling the immense reliability and endurance standards expected in industrial environments. Built for CompactFlash and PATA SSDs, it excels in providing unmatched random write performance via its hyMap® Flash Translation Layer. The controller supports expansive flash memory needs, boasting a sturdy BCH ECC engine and customizable firmware extensions. This compact but feature-rich controller also brings significant encryption abilities and GPIO flexibility, assuredly meeting the retrospective needs of legacy but crucial interface applications.

  • 96-Bit/1K BCH ECC
  • hyMap® FTL
  • AES 128 and 256 encryption
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Electronic Gaming
  • Automation Equipment
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